SIGPwny is completely student-run and would not be where it is today without the contributions
of our admin team, helper team, and alumni.
Admin Team
Minh Duong he/him
Hi, I'm a fourth year in CS! I like web and embedded systems hacking. I keep our
meetings and website running :D
President Emeritus
Pete Stenger
Hi! I'm in my fourth year in CS. You can find me rock climbing or listening to Daft Punk. My focus is in automation, reverse-engineering, and backend systems.
Anusha Ghosh
I'm an MSCS student interested in exploring AI security! Outside of school (and SIGPwny), I love fiber arts and music :D
Akhil Bharanidhar
Hi! I'm a junior in CS, talk to me about pwn :p
Emma Hartman
Hi, I'm a junior studying CS! I like learning about operating systems and will talk musical theatre to anyone who will listen!
George Huebner
"You're a quantum physicist?" "Sure..? I'm also a Nix user! But the only thing that I do in this club is fixing people's Emacs!"
Jake Mayer
Sophomore in CS interested in web / embedded security and robotics.
Julius White V
Hello! I am a Junior in Computer Science and Economics. I am interested in personal finance and entrepreneurship!
Richard Liu
Reverse engineer and pwn enthusiast. When I'm not staring at Ghidra or GDB, I like to spend my free time rock climbing.
Ronan Boyarski
Sophomore in CS + Philosophy. I like to write malware and other offensive tooling.
Sam Ruggerio
Hi! I'm a CS PhD doing theory, but you'll find me in cybersec doing neat things as well!
Helper Team
Adarsh Krishnan
I'm a freshman in CS + Philosophy interested in symbolic logic and formal methods.
Daniel Wang
Hi! I'm a junior studying Computer Engineering interested in web exploitation and reverse engineering.
Cameron Asher
Freshman math major who does web dev.
Emma Shu
Hello! I'm a sophomore in CS + Linguistics, feel free to come share any language learning tips or tricks you know!
Henry Qiu
Freshman in CompEng, interested in hardware and embedded systems. Currently doing CTFs as a hobby.
Jupiter Peng
Just a programmer
Kyler Norr
Social chair, Computer Science and Astrophysics, Computational Astrophysics and Software Engineering
Louis Asanaka
Hey! I'm a junior in CS, interested in web / game hacking and operating systems!
Nikhil Date
I am a freshman in CS interested in rev, pwn, and crypto. I also play the piano.
Sagnik Chakraborty
I love making computers do weird things
Ex-President 2019
Ian Klatzco
security consultant
Ex-Officer 2020
Ankur Sundara
Ex-Officer 2020
Dillon Korman
Leech 2020
Jesse Wang
Ex-Helper 2020
Joshua Park
Security Analyst
Ex-President 2021
Joseph Ravichandran
microarchitectural security @ MIT
Ex-Admin 2021
grad student @ gatech
UIUCTF Infra 2021
YiFei Zhu
Playing with the Linux kernel @ Google
Ex-Research Director 2022
Chris Kauchak
Ex-Admin 2022
Faisal Khalid
Ex-President 2022
Nathan Farlow
Ex-Helper 2022
Nicholas Husin
SWE / SRE @ Google
Ex-President 2022
Thomas Quig
privacy @ apple
Ex-Admin 2024
Anakin Dey
Hello! I'm a senior in math and my main interest in cybersecurity is crypto! No, not that crypto, the other one.
Ex-Admin 2024
Hassam Uddin
Hey I'm Hassam! I'm a junior in CS interested in all things cryptography, theory, math, and compilers.