Come learn cybersecurity with 2000+ students, alumni, and professionals in our Discord server.
Join DiscordSIGPwny meetings are open to all and designed to be drop-in. There are no member applications, mandatory meetings, or even prerequisite knowledge needed.
Attend our weekly meetings to learn different skills in cybersecurity, such as binary exploitation and cryptography.
Pwny CTF
Practice skills learned in meetings by solving challenges on our own "Capture the Flag" (CTF) platform! Challenges award points which can be used to progress through the club.
CTF Team
Compete in "Capture the Flag" events run by other teams to hone skills such as reverse-engineering and web hacking.
Purple Team New!
Learn red-teaming (offensive) and blue-teaming (defensive) skills to secure systems and networks.
Embedded Team
Learn about embedded systems and hardware hacking through competitions such as eCTF and CSAW ESC.
Help run our premier CTF event for the international security community, UIUCTF! Gain experience building infrastructure and developing challenges.
Fall CTF
Help create our annual Fall CTF event for UIUC students! Gain experience with event management, challenge development, and infrastructure.
Learn the fundamental skills to quickly get into hacking and more advanced topics!
Interested in learning more about the club? Check out our FAQ or reach out to a @Helper on Discord!